Help ShidduchView Solve the Shidduch Crisis



SHIDDUCH VIEW Video Date Platform 

FREE to singles.

10K Dates per year.

Ready to relaunch with many new features...

We are out of Money.

Please Sponser 10k Dates:

SERVER COSTS - $1,800/Yr

New features - Developers bill $8,000

(Includes Glitch Warrenty)



Be the Nahapoch Hu for those older singles. Give them the tools to graduate to the next stage in life. To start families. 

We are organizing a system of volunteers that help guide and mentor those in need of extra support towards starting a family.

Please Partner with Us:

May Hashem Give you Such Nachas, Simchas Hachaim should radiate from you constantly. 

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Help us solve the shidduch crisis!

We’ve created this app with the sole purpose of creating more marriages.

The current methods for creating shidduchim are outdated and inefficient – Shadchanim have to spend hours to create a single match. The dating process is unneccasarily complicated and precious time is wasted on research when it is not even relevant.

This technology has the power to change the dating world –Shadchanim who have seen our new technology are very excited about it, and the facts on the ground demonstrate just how many successful matches it’s able to create. 

We are continuously adding new features to make the process of meeting your basheret as easy as possible.

We’ve given it our all to develop this platform, and so far we’ve made many matches that have met on our app and continued dating in real life.

We need your help to continue developing and maintaining this platform.

We believe that technology can be a key component of solving the shidduch crisis, and your contribution is a key part of making that dream a reality! Please consider giving a generous donation so that we can continue making shidduchim with the goal of solving the Shidduch Crisis.

Donate by Phone

Call To Donate
Campaign ID: 1378