Rachel has been tested with challenges beyond our comprehension. Join with other seminary students, graduates, and their families in giving to this important cause. Help us "Pay it Forward" for Rachel!
Rachel's Story
Rachel grew up in a non-observant home and attended a local Jewish school. Her life was almost idyllic until this past year when her father was jailed for activities of which the family was not aware. Suddenly Rachel's world turned upside down and she went to live with her aunt and uncle for stability. The family's finances are in shambles and Rachel's aunt and uncle are unable to pay for their own children's needs as well as their neice's upcoming year in seminary. While Rachel has received some minor scholarship funding, it's not enough to cover her expenses. Please help Rachel's vision of spending the year strengthening her Jewish knowledge and connection with Hashem become a reality.
We all benefitted or are about to benefit from a year of growth in seminary. Help us help Rachel get to sem. Give generously today!