the chesed fund
Rabbi Mandel Fund

On erev Yom Kippur a true tzadik, an unusual kadosh v'tahor, slipped out of this world to the Olam HaEmes. He was accompanied by hundreds to his kevura in the final hours before Kol Nidrei. HaRav Shimon Mandel Zt"l was diagnosed only a few short weeks before his petira and passed away at the young age of 63 leaving behind his mother, his wife, and 12 children. Six of the children are unmarried, one of them a Kalla. Alongside the immediate family are hundreds of bereft talmidim mourning their beloved rebbi.

Rav Mandel was a veteran eleventh grade rebbi in Yeshiva of Staten Island spanning three decades. He was appointed to this prestigious position at a very young age due to his vast knowledge and impeccable middos. His imprint on all talmidim was quickly evident and students lined up to speak to him in learning and ask for his sage advice. He gave hours upon hours, well beyond his obligated time, to engage and encourage and advise and direct bochurim through their often challenging teen age years. Once a talmid always a talmid, many constantly soaked up his advice and wisdom keeping up with him for years after having been in his shiur. All this Rav Mandel did with a smile as if he truly enjoyed every encounter.

The time spent with talmidim never detracted from his true love, which was to sit and learn with unbridled hasmada. The many who used to get rides with him to Yeshiva recall that every red light was a time to peer in a sefer. The daily Shiurim were crystal clear and captivating, motivating those listening to want to emulate him.

All this was done without neglecting his own family, a clan of true bnei torah and baalei middos tovos, each and every one having had an extremely personal connection and deep bond with him. Along with the Rebbitzen shetichye, who constantly assisted and enabled him to succeed in all aspects of his life, they raised a beautiful family.

Please help this family continue to thrive and help keep Rabbi Mandel's legacy strong and vibrant by contributing financially to the extent possible. Surely in shamayim Rabbi Mandel will advocate on behalf of those will help his family.

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