Dear Friends,

We lost a diamond, a giant. After Mordy's petirah, we were all left reeling. I received phone call after phone call and text after text. Everyone wanted to know, how do we move on? Mordy was our support, he was the one we went to when we needed someone to listen to us without judging us, without looking at us any differently the next time he saw us, when we needed honest advice and we needed someone to hold our feelings and keep them quiet.

He was always asking me to make peace, to resolve differences, to work things out. He loved peace and pursued it. He was the glue that held us all together.

When Mordy did something, he did it all the way, and gave it everything he had. His 6:30 am learning seder was sacrosanct to him and he put his heart and soul into each one.

Mordy, you took care of Hashem's children when they were suffering, you went out of your way to help those that no one else would look at.

We are desperate to hold on to you, to keep our connection alive. And so I have a vision:

Mordy's Shteibel.

A place that will personify Mordy and what he stood for. A warm, open, inviting makom Torah and tefillah, where everyone is made to feel welcome and everyone can partake of and drink in the sweetness of Torah. A place where anyone can grab a drink, something to eat, hang out and feel comfortable.

I envision a Rav, a full time kollel, minyanim, ongoing shiurim and engaging, growth oriented experiences. I imagine Mordy's smile, his warmth, his acceptance, and I know this will be his legacy.

Please help me keep Mordy's memory alive and be one of the sponsors of this unique and special makom Torah.

I need 500,000 to make my vision a reality.

Please help me.

Mordy’s Shteibel has been up and running for weeks now. There have been minyanim every day, guest speakers, refreshments and inspirational entertainment. It has been a source of tremendous comfort for Mordy‘s family and friends and has generated countless zchusim for his neshama. I have been funding this vision of mine until now. Please help me be able to take this further

With tears and dreams,

Yisroel Gross

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