
**Rav Chaim Kanievsky, Zatzal, gave his bracha for this campaign on 21 Kislev 5780 / Dec 19, 2019 

We count on the generosity of our amazing friends with healing and faith for Maayan this Shavuous!

Ma'ayan's mom here...Devorah Hadassah Liebermann and I want to share with you our personal miracles. I reflected recently on your kindness, your donations, your tefilla, your mitzvot and I couldn't help but cry with gratitude. I will share an update on Ma'ayan shortly --then you will understand why I cried.


Ma'ayan needs your help to pay for her medical needs. She survives and thrives ONLY due to your generous help!! 

With Ma'ayan's rare medical treatment at home, our gratitude flows in our hearts to HKBH and each and every one of you!!! Thank you with all of our hearts for the countless mitzvot you have done for Ma'ayan! May HKBH bless you and yours with a Chag Sameach!


✅Maayan is attending Patachya Dayschool 2x a week!

Maayan has been approved for a new amidon/stander recently created for kids like Maayan with deformed legs from not standing.

She is also approved for a new wheelchair with all the bells and whistles as she turned 15 this past Tammuz, BH!

It's almost four years since Ma'ayan's tracheostomy surgery, when we began her round-the-clock care! Thank Gd contributions continue to diminish and increase, but sadly we still cannot meet the monthly costs of her full time, medical support.

We are unable to meet regular monthly-care payments, including the life-saving medical treatment (which has been, and will continue with HKBH'S help) to keep Ma'ayan safe and cared for in her home with her family, where she has the best fighting chance for survival.  

Tizku l'Mitzvot

Daven for Ma'ayan bas Devorah Hadassah 🙌🏻 

Ma'ayan was born a healthy and adorable girl; at age 3 her medical mysteries began and thrust her into the devastating world of Batten’s Disease... 

Please help support Maayan's critical monthly health needs:

$18 month needed to HELP save Ma'ayan's life. 

GOAL: Meet the costs of Ma'ayan's full time medical support. DONATE NOW! 

Therefore we are asking you to open your heart by partnering with us in this powerful opportunity by sponsoring $18/month for 12 months (Please consider to renew your subscription if it's time) for the complete critical health care to help keep Ma’ayan in this world.

Ma'ayan, an incredible neshama, stuck in a body with a rare disease, inspires hundreds of people around the world to do acts of kindness, prayer, and good deeds - every day! (Read below or click on websites,, and, for more about Maayan.)

**Special thanks to "Moms on a Mitzvah" for providing this beautiful video from Yaakov Shwekey to cheer up Maayan for her Bat Mitzvah. If you or anyone you know is ill, they provide life-changing wishes come true. Please contact them at 


May HKBH bless anyone in Am Yisrael who is suffering with Refua Shlayma & to usher in the Geulah Sheleimah!!

Let's join together as one family to pray for one another, spread more light, love, and joy, as well as to help save a life at this incredible auspicious time.

Thank you in advance for your participation🙏🙌☮️💗👸🏻💫✡️

May we be blessed with miraculous Healing & Yeshuas!

Yochanon and Devorah Hadassah Liebermann and of course Ma'ayan.

Click here for the Healing Prayer on our site:

More Background on Ma'ayan's condition & TAX deductible ways to give:

Ma'ayan was born a healthy and adorable girl, but at age 3 her medical mysteries began and thrust her into the devastating world of Batten’s Disease which is a rare neurological disease that has robbed Ma'ayan of her vision, all her muscle use and mobility, with epilepsy and severe lung disease included. Sadly her life is filled with machines, medications, seizures in daily life, or death episodes which require her to have 24 HOUR monitoring. Even so Ma'ayan shines light and emuna into this world, as she has inspired 1000's to grow in emuna! Ain od Milvado!

Open your he💗rts > GET 5 FRIENDS TO JOIN YOU to Donate + Share this campaign🙏


This campaign is under the auspices of Rabbi Aaron David Neustadt, shlit"a, K'hal Chassidim, Neve Yaakov, Jerusalem, Israel. Brachos and haskamos from Rav Chaim Kanievsky, shlit"a, Rav Shmuel Steinhaus, shlit"a, Yavniel, Israel


YOUR DONATION: Fund is managed by Yad Eliezer via The Chesed Fund. **There are NO FEES. ALL FUNDS are directed to Maayan's care.

>>>You will receive a tax-deductible receipt for your donation.


  1. International Credit Card through this Chesed Fund ABOVE, If paying by credit card, there is a 2.9% processing _Tax deductible email receipt automatically issued by Chesed Fund.


  1. US Checks: There is no processing fee if donating by check. Checks can be made out to "Yad Eliezer" Mail checks to: Maayan Campaign ℅ H Lieberman, 29 Woodmere Blvd, #2H, Woodmere, NY 11598
  2. Israel Checks can be made out to “Yad Eliezer” Mail checks to: Yochanon and Devorah Hadassah Liebermann, Yehezkel ha Navi 15/13, Beit Shemesh 9913952
  3. Canadian checks Contact Yochanon. Info below.
  4. Pay by phone with Isracard: Please call 058-687-7123
  5. Wire For details go to:

For more info and rabbinical verification: and


Yochanon: From US: call /whatsapp 011-972-58-687-7123 From Israel: 058-687-7123


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Campaign ID: 55344
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