Khal Chasidim Chosson Torah 5780

To our fellow Khal Chasidim Mispallelim, Talmidim, Chaveirim and Yedidim of Rabbi Twerski -

Last year, TOGETHER, we made a huge impact!

The Khal Chasidim Chosson Torah Campaign showed our immense appreciation for Rabbi Twerski, שליט״א and had a **TREMENDOUS **impact on the shul’s finances.

And now, it's time to DO IT AGAIN!

Whether you daven at Khal Chasidim, go to a shiur there, learn the Rov's Sarei Alafim, listen to his drashos, ask him advice, get his audio, see his Torah Anytime, get his Whatsapp insights... Rabbi Twerski and Khal Chasidim are our sources of inspiration.

Whether it's you or a family member or a friend, Rabbi Twerski has had a tremendous impact on our community.


An anonymous donor has agreed to match every dollar up to $60,000!

Each donation is doubled!

With YOUR help we will hit our total goal of $120,000!

Every dollar helps!

Please consider a monthly donation! Even small amounts given monthly add up fast!

Rabbi Twerski inspires us to do **TESHUVAH, **Khal chasidim is our place of **TEFILAH, **let’s do our part and give **TZEDAKA **to lock in tremendous Hatzlocho and Brocho for the coming year!

May you and your family be blessed with a happy, healthy and prosperous new year!

Kesiva v'chasima tovah and a gut g'bentched yohr!

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